wmt_all.txt: Impedance tensor of the Wideband-MT stations nmt_all.txt: Impedance tensor of the Network-MT stations In each file, the impedance tensor in the coorinate frame aligned to the strike direction of the electrical resistivity structure, where the positive x-direction is N25W, is included. From left to right, the entries are station name, frequency, the real part of Zxx, the imaginary part of Zxx, the real part of Zxy, the imaginary part of Zxy, the real part of Zyx, the imaginary part of Zyx, the real part of Zyy, the imaginary part of Zyy, the standard error of the xx component, the standard error of the xy component, the standard error of the yx component and the standard error of the yy component. The unit of the impedance tensor and the standard error is V/A.