@article{oai:repository.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp:02000333, author = {伊勢, 戸徹 and Iseto, Tohru and 山内, 束 and Yamauchi, Tsukane and 鈴木, 宏枝 and Suzuki, Hiroe and 齋藤, 秀亮 and Saito, Hideaki and 一柳, 麻里香 and Ichiyanagi, Marika and 菱木, 美和 and Hishiki, Miwa and 齋藤, 暢之 and Saito, Nobuyuki and 嘉陽, 牧乃 and Kayo, Makino and 伊禮, 一宏 and Irei, Kazuhiro and 華房, 康憲 and Hanafusa, Yasunori and 園田, 朗 and Sonoda, Akira}, journal = {東京大学大気海洋研究所国際沿岸海洋研究センター研究報告=Bulletin of the International Coastal Research Center}, month = {Jul}, note = {東日本大震災特集論文集}, pages = {143--151}, title = {生物の出現レコードを管理,共有するTEAMS生物観察記録アーカイブシステム(BORAS)の開発}, volume = {36}, year = {2018} }