@article{oai:repository.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp:02007280, author = {内田, 充紀 and UCHIDA, Mitsuki and 安本, 真也 and YASUMOTO, Shinya and 富澤, 周 and TOMIZAWA, Shu and 葛西, 優香 and KASAI, Yuka and 関谷, 直也 and SEKIYA, Naoya}, journal = {東京大学大学院情報学環情報学研究. 調査研究編, Research survey reports in information studies. Interfaculty initiative in information studies, the University of Tokyo}, month = {Mar}, note = {教員研究論文, Faculty Papers}, pages = {147--168}, title = {首都圏大規模水害と都民の意識 : 2022年東京都民調査から}, volume = {39}, year = {2023} }