@book{oai:repository.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp:00043099, author = {Yokouchi, Y. and Ooki, A. and Hashimoto, S. and Itoh, N. and Hatakeyama, S. and Akatsuka, T. and Osada, K. and Miura, K. and Furutani, H. and Iwamoto, Y. and Nagano, K. and Kobayashi, H. and Mochida, M. and Mukai, H. and Takami, M. and Uematsu, M. and Takahashi, Y. and Higashi, M. and Furukawa, T. and Miyoshi, T. and Fujiwara, M. and Fukushima, H. and Jinyoung, J. and Uno, I. and Eguchi, K. and Yumimoto, K. and Tanimoto, H. and Kameyama, S. and Omori, Y. and Inomata, S. and Tsunogai, U. and Toyoda, S. and Yamada, K. and Ueno, Y. and Koba, K. and Yoshida, O. and Watanabe, Y. W. and Yasuda, I. and Tsurushima, N. and Yoshikawa-Inoue, H. and Midorikawa, T. and Takamura, T. R. and Takeda, S. and Obata, H. and Okubo, A. and Sato, M. and Kondo, Y. and Ogawa, H. and Kogure, K. and Kanda, J. and Hashihama, F. and Suzumura, M. and Hamasaki, K. and Sato-Takabe, Y. and Taniguchi, A. and Tada, Y. and Kaneko, R. and Mouri, A. and Kasamatsu-Takasawa, N. and Nagao, I. and Fujii, M. and Tanaka, A. and Smith, S. L. and Aita, M. N. and Shigemitsu, M. and Yamanaka, Y. and Ishikawa, Y. and Awaji, T. and Ikeda, M. and Toyoda, T.}, month = {}, note = {A01: Dynamics of Atmospheric Composition, A Study on the Production and Emission of Marine-Derived Volatile Halocarbons / Y. Yokouchi, A. Ooki, S. Hashimoto and N. Itoh : 05w-pass_001.pdf, Measurements of Gaseous Peroxides in the Oceanic Lower Atmosphere / S. Hatakeyama and T. Akatsuka : 06w-pass_027.pdf, Phase Partitioning of NH3 and Gas to Particle Conversion / K. Osada : 07w-pass_033.pdf, New Particle Formation of Marine Aerosols / K. Miura, H. Furutani, Y. Iwamoto, K. Nagano, H. Kobayashi, M. Mochida, H. Mukai, S. Hashimoto, M. Takami and M. Uematsu : 08w-pass_037.pdf, A Study of the Chemical Processes in Aerosols and Their Impacts on the Environment Using X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy / Y. Takahashi, M. Higashi, T. Furukawa, T. Miyoshi, M. Fujiwara and M. Uematsu : 09w-pass_043.pdf, Variability in Mineral Dust Deposition over the North Pacific and Its Potential Impact on the Ocean Productivity / H. Fukushima : 10w-pass_051.pdf, Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction through Atmospheric Aerosol Particles Observed in a Single Nanoparticle Aspect / H. Furutani, J. Jinyoung and M. Uematsu : 11w-pass_061.pdf, Simultaneous Measurements of Hygroscopic Property and Cloud Condensation Nucleus Activity of Aerosol Particles of Marine Biogenic Origin / M. Mochida : 12w-pass_071.pdf, Eruption of Mt. Kilauea Impacted Cloud Droplet and Radiation Budget over North Pacific / I. Uno, K. Eguchi and K. Yumimoto : 13w-pass_083.pdf, A02: Variability of Gas Exchanges at the Air-Sea Interface, High-Resolution Measurement of Volatile Organic Compounds Dissolved in Seawater Using Equilibrator Inlet-Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry (EI-PTR-MS) / H. Tanimoto, S. Kameyama, Y. Omori, S. Inomata and U. Tsunogai : 14w-pass_089.pdf, Study of the Production Processes of Marine Biogenic Methane and Carbonyl Sulfide Using Stable Isotope Analysis / S. Toyoda, K. Yamada, Y. Ueno, K. Koba and O. Yoshida : 15w-pass_117.pdf, Long-Term Changes of Greenhouse Gases in the Ocean and Their Feedback Effects on the Climate / Y. W. Watanabe, I. Yasuda and N. Tsurushima : 16w-pass_123.pdf, Temporal and Spatial Variations in Carbonate System and Air-Sea CO2 Flux in the Kuroshio and Kuroshio Extension / H. Yoshikawa-Inoue, T. Midorikawa and T. R. Takamura : 17w-pass_151.pdf, A03: Dynamics of the Marine Ecosystem, Bioavailability and Biogeochemical Processes of Trace Metals in the Surface Ocean / S. Takeda, H. Obata, A. Okubo, M. Sato and Y. Kondo : 18w-pass_163.pdf, Detailed Variations in Bioactive Elements in the Surface Ocean and Their Interaction with Microbiological Processes / H. Ogawa, K. Kogure, J. Kanda, F. Hashihama and M. Suzumura : 19w-pass_177.pdf, Photoheterotrophic Process in Surface Seawater Environments / K. Hamasaki, Y. Sato-Takabe, A. Taniguchi and Y. Tada : 20w-pass_199.pdf, Ecological Study of Bacterial Populations Related to Biogenic Gas Transformation in Marine Environments / K. Hamasaki, R. Kaneko, A. Mouri, Y. Tada, N. Kasamatsu-Takasawa and I. Nagao : 21w-pass_203.pdf, A04: Modelling of the Interaction between the Ocean and the Atmosphere, Modeling for Evaluation and Prediction of Effects of Short-Term Atmospheric Disturbance on Air-Sea Material Cycling / M. Fujii and A. Tanaka : 22w-pass_211.pdf, Relating Phytoplankton Pnysiology to North Pacific Biogeochemistry / S. L. Smith, M. N. Aita, M. Shigemitsu and Y. Yamanaka : 23w-pass_223.pdf, Coupling of Physical and Bio-Geochemical Process and Monitoring Ocean Circulation Using Data Assimilation System / Y. Ishikawa, T. Awaji, M. Ikeda and T. Toyoda : 24w-pass_237.pdf, Part of "Western Pacific Air-Sea Interaction Study"}, publisher = {TERRAPUB}, title = {Western Pacific Air-Sea Interaction Study}, year = {2014} }